
Contessa 32 Sail No: 615

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Les Sables d’Olonne, Wednesday 17 June 2015.

From the log with comments.

 Departed Pornichet 11 June in light westerly following Nigel, Jenny and Pip in ‘Early Mist’, who I had befriended in an early mist. Tried a radio check but unable to contact them after a mile or so. They also disappeared off the AIS screen so something wrong with the aeriel. Otherwise uneventful motor on motor off sort of sail in murky conditions across the entrance to the Loire. Turn left for Muscadet! Arrived Ile d’Yeu at 15.30 and found an empty finger berth. Left at 09.00 on 15 June again in convoy with Early Mist and again radio died after a mile or so and AIS signal lost. Motored most of the way in light rain arriving off Les Sables d’Olonne at 16.30 and allotted a marina berth right in the middle of town by the Capitainere. Spoke with Nigel St George, HLA for Crusing Association. He suggested a local marine electrician who came the next morning and changed several aerial connections but to no avail. I expect the problem is up the mast! Nigel St George also suggested heading down to St Denis d’Oleron for a good departure for Spain.

My highlights

Leaving in a leaden sky.

Early Mist abeam

Cycle ride around Ile d’Yeu with ‘Early Misters’ and climb up La Grande Phare did nothing for my vertigo. Down rough tracks to the Veux Chapelle and back in the rain.

Les Sables, starting point of the Vendee Globe round the world race but not in this one!

Dockside resturants and Lunch in Les Sables. Definite south feel now.

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