
Contessa 32 Sail No: 615

Monday, 4 May 2015


The Rounding of Sark, with apologies to Lewis Carroll. 

A misty old Sark, I eventually spied
As I crept in La Greve de la Ville
Picked up a buoy at the top of the tide
Had a swim and cooked up some tea.

 Harve Gosselin at dawn

Up at dawn for the forecast, another fine day
Checked the sea cocks, fuel and oil guage
Then under Grande Moie and inside Fournais
But around the Goulet Passage

Bright sunshine above and blue sea all about
As I sluiced with the south flooding stream
Then round La Conchee and on to L’Etac
Headng west with the wind on the beam

North to Les Dents to pick up the line
That leads to La Grande Greve
But just as I spotted the Harve Gosselin
The fog dropped, twas hard to believe.

The tide now was slack so I stuck to the course
With one eye on the Ipad nav app
Is that a moored boat or a whipped up white horse?
Here’s the ten metre line, better stop.

Now the fog dissipated and all became clear
Cross the north going race by Brecqhou
I lassoed a buoy and opened a beer.
Then walked up to Clos de Vaul Creux.

Dawn swim cleared my head as I looked to the north
Through the Gouilet passage and on
Six knots race sucked me in, spat me forth
Spinning round, facing where I had just come from.

But while I was singing with joy and delight
A bandersnatch swiftly drew nigh
And  grabbed at my rudder which twitched in fright
Dropping back to my blithesome sigh.

Abeam Bec de Nez with the tide ebbing fast
I set a course north towards Alderney
Past Pierreau Vraic to the Swinge at last
Into Braye for a shower and tea

In the mist of the world he was trying to say
In the midst of his laughter and glee
He had softly and suddenly vanished away
For Sark is a bojum, you see.

Paul Thompson.
Contessa 32 Pisces 615.

June 2013.

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