
Contessa 32 Sail No: 615

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Bas-du-Port Marina, Pointe.a.Pitre, Guadeloupe, FWI. Sunday 21 February, 2016.

Left Rodney Bay after 10 weeks of great times. I could write a book about marina living but that is for another time. I had left an advert in Le Marin, Martinique for crew to help me up to Guadeloupe. I thought it would be fun and some company as I was a little down after JB went home. So I had a call from Patrick and Patricia, a young Swiss/German couple looking for a ride. They arrived on Wednesday afternoon and settled in fine (once they had stored their kite surfing stuff). Departed Thursday 11 February and a good beam reach in 20 knots back to Martinique, but this time to a mooring in Petite Anse d’Arlet. The customs office was without electricity so unable to check in. A swim and supper on shore then off early up the coast to St Pierre where I was able to check out! One morning you are in France using Euros and the afternoon in another country using dollars. Very confusing. Anchored off the town dock in St Pierre and Patrick dived down to find we had snagged, so re-anchored and all well until a local catamaran wanted to park by us next morning so we made a quick exit. Excellent dinner at Le Tamaya. St Pierre, known as the Paris of the Caribbean at the time, was destroyed in the 1902 volcanic eruption that killed all but 2 (one Cyparis, imprisoned for murder was saved by the thick gaol walls) of the 29,933 residence along with 12 ships in the bay. North to the sombre, but friendly, Dominica. SeaCat helped us with a slightly dodgy mooring in Roseau and to clear in and out of customs on Sunday morning as the cruise ship was in. Then onwards and upwards to Portsmouth at the top of Dominica. Here we joined the legendary PAYS (Portsmouth Association of Yacht Services) Sunday night BBQ with plenty of rum punch and dancing. Rather slow the next day for a trip up the Indian River organised by Eddison from PAYS. Tuesday off past Fort Shirley and back to France in the shape of Les Saintes (discovered by Columbus on All Saints Day 1493). We had to anchor and a long dingy ride for dinner but managed to find a good mooring near the town on Wednesday and Pat and Pat went off exploring on a scooter. Breezy night with some rain then a rather slow journey up wind to Pointe-a Pitre, the capital of Guadeloupe where we found a quiet berth in the Marina Bas-du-Fort. The guys jumped ship for their last few days and I settled down to some R & R.

My highlights

Rodney Bay

Lobster supper at Friday Jump-Up in Gros Islet.

Patricia and Patrick

Petite Anse d’Arlet

St Pierre coastline

Roseau, Dominica.

Portsmouth, Dominica.

The Legendary PAYS BBQ in Portsmouth.

Out and about.

PAYS boats looking out to moorings from Sandy,s.

Indian River trip

Calypso's hut as featured in Pirates of the Caribbean II.

Yellow crested crane.

Iguana up a tree.

Fort Shirley leaving Dominica early.

Magnificent Frigate birds following a fishing boat

Les Saintes anchorage (pelican on a boat).


Ashore from the anchorage.

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Admiralty Bay, Bequia, West Indies. Wednesday 3 February 2016.

I parked Pisces in Rodney Bay Marina and left for a week or so with friends on a lovely Halberg Rassey 42. Hot and cold running water, showers, cold beers and good company.

Down the coast to Soufriere Bay. I think my favorite. The original French Capital of St Lucia until the Brits moved it  to Castries. Picture postcard houses in red and blue on the cove with the Pitons towering above.  Boat boys with their epithets on the bow, aways touting for business. Water taxi over to the next bay and dinner at the Mango Tree.

Early start for the crossing to St Vincent but wonderful beam reach in 20 knots with sun above and an early Piton at 11.00.. Into Wallilabou Bay with a pick up mooring and stern rope onto a palm tree before dinner at the restaurant where Johnny Depp did his stuff. The girls chatting and me having a ‘Sparrow’ rum and ice with the owner.

Off early and across the straight to Bequia. Anchored far out in 10 meters and fun and games with the outboard for the next few days. 

Dancing at Jack’s, eating at the Pothole Restaurant. Breakfast at Frangipani , coffee at the Gingerbread and a walk along Princess Margaret Beach to De Reef on Lower Beach for lunch. Dinner at Fernando's Hideaway and too many rum punches but home again at midnight.

A trip around the island with John. Mount Pleasant, Friendship Bay, Paget Farm and Sugar Reef for a wonderful lunch. Not too shabby.


Soufriere Bay with Grande Piton

Boat Boys

The Mango Tree for dinner.

Wallilabou Bay, St Vincent. (Pirates of the Caribbean film set).

St Vincent North (Mordor)

Beqiai anchorage off Port Elizabeth.


Princess Margaret Beach

De Reef at Lower Beach

Sugar Reef for lunch (Windward side of the island)

 Beer on the beach (Hairoun)

Mt Pleasant looking down on Port Elizabeth

Taxi with our girl guide (John's daughter on her way back from school).

Waterfall for a hairwash!

Thank you Viva!