
Contessa 32 Sail No: 615

Saturday, 7 November 2015

32 Rue Jacques Cartier, Dinard, France. Sunday 1 November 2105.

Left Las Palmas on packed Ryanair flight to Stanstead and met up with JB under the clock at Waterloo Station a bit late and down to West Stafford for a few days. Early morning walks across the fields and on Studland beach. Met up with sister Jane and Simon for morning suit fitting. Saturday 24 October dawned cloudy for Catherine’s (my niece) wedding to Nick at Winterborne Zelston, Lovely service and food. Yours truly gave the ‘uncle of the bride’ speech as Catherine’s father is no longer with us. It went down rather well. Danced till late then had to pour son Mark into the taxi for home. Off to the apartment in Dinard for more walks, food and chilling although the weather was exceptional at 22C and people swimming! JB leaves for Brisbane while I fly back to the gathering party that is the ARC and ARC+ (via Cape Verdes). 

My highlights:

Studland beach.


The Church in Winterborne Zelston

Simon and Jane

JB and me

Mark and me

Me about to carve the beef.


View across the Rance to St Malo

Les Roches Brunes

Promenade du clair de lune

Les Halles


Creperie du Roy