
Contessa 32 Sail No: 615

Friday, 17 July 2015

Ares, Galicia, Spain. Friday 17 July 2015.

From the log with comments.

Departed Cudillero at 07.30 7 July 2015 in morning sunshine after emailing pics of Shoeshine to Peter Sanders. Clear and calm with low swell but motored through the fishing fleet at Cabo Vidio with some trepidation. West 3 had my sails up and just as I was making lunch (my take on a ensalada mixto) the wind piped up to 25 knots and low cloud so bombed along with most of the salad on the deck. The wind slacked off later and I ended up motoring in a cold dank afternoon arriving under the bridge and into Porcillan marina, Ribadeo by 18.00. Rather sloppy berth and not very attractive town with the motorway high above ones head. Did some chores the next day and met up with several fellow travelers. Walked miles for diesel and cooked onboard. Left 9 July 10.00 with a forecast of a good north easterly and fine weather but going westerly the following day. Cracking sail along the high coastal hills. Became a bit more cracking with gusts of 30 knots but calmed down as I entered the Ria de Viveiro and motored up the river to a welcome marina right in the town. Met up with John and Josephine again and great evening in the old town with a festival in full swing. Departed on 13 July in light north breeze and easy passage around the northern tip of Spain and Cabo Ortega. Gybed round and down into Cedeira anchoring in 7 meters on sand. For a while I was the only boat in the anchorage despite it being mid July. Gorgeous place. Dingy drill and pleased to say that the Seagull started first time having been on the rail for 6 weeks. Noticed the stern gland is leaking about 8 drops per minute but nothing at rest. Phoned Arthur who reassured me. Dinner in the famous Bar Kilowatio of Marraxo (shark) which was exquisite. Left 15 July after a great few days and round the coast with La Coruna in the distance to a little fishing port with a small holiday town. Came in in a brisk afternoon breeze to find a spot in the friendly marina in Ares.

My highlights.

John on Shoeshine also heading south but about to pick up his wife and twins aged 8! Problem with his self furled (shaft has dropped through)  emailed to Peter Sanders for advice.

Fishing fleet off Cabo Vidio (not as benign as it looks) and along the coast with motorway!

Ensalada mixto about to be chucked around the cockpit!

Ribadeo. Not my favorite town.

High coastal hills of the Rias Atlas ‘where mountains and forset tumble into the sea’.

Cracking sail…(click of photo for video)

 Click on photo for video

Festival in Viveiro. Something to do with King George and Gustave V?
Table laid before the event but where is King George?

Cabo Ortega. You can just see the swell of about 1.5 meters.

Cedeira. Pisces is the only visiting yacht this afternoon.

Thommo would have been proud of his Seagull Forty Minus 1964 starting first time. 

Ares (Mother and child)

Monday, 6 July 2015

Cudillero, Asturias, Spain. Monday 6 July 2015.

From the log with comments.

Departed Bilbao 10.00 28 June after a good few days but enough of the noisy marina bars and long walk to the supermarket. No wind as I motored  past a Spainish naval vessel dressed overall and protected by the Guardia. Some sailing until Cabo de Azo then more motoring. Slipped into the anchorage behind Isle de Torres in the entrance to Santander and anchored in 7 meters off a rather lovely beach. Long  walk for provisoions on Monday but  wind piped up so I left at lunchtime on Tuesday 29 June and had a great sail with Arthur steering with the wind well aft of the beam for miles. It is what Pisces does best. Suddenl;y 6 knots and easy motion. The wind dropped after dinner and spoke to JB before putting on the engine overnight. The mist came in around an hour before dawn and had some nervous whistling with a fishing boat overhauling me and a coaster coming the otherway. I slowed dwon and the sun came out to reveal the high Picos mountains and Gijon ahead. Easy entrance and very helpful staff in the marina so stayed a few days, did some waliking, washing, eating and generally mooching about. Met up with Pierre and Ann-Marie on Jubilare II, a Moody 37 and had some jolly times. Left Gijon on Saturday 4 July, Tessa’s birthday, and motored most of the way to Cudillero. Nervous entry and achward mooring but lovely once in with the cliffs all around. Took a swim today to check the propeller and wash around the boot top but all looks well.

My highlights.

Anchored off the beach behind Isle de Torre in Santander. A long but beautiful walk for provisions.

My at sea berth with half lee cloth and gloomy dawn.

The beach where I swam at Gijon.


My kind of statue!

Pierre and Ann-Marie on Jubilaire II. They are from Pornic and sail down to the Spainish coast every year. Impeccable English and excellent drinks cabinet. Trust we will meet again. Also  had a VHF check with Pierre at sea and all seems to be working fine at last.

Leaving Gijon Harbour with M/V Portland anchored outside.

Cudillero looking from my mooring and at low tide.

John and Josephine from the hostellers sailing club have trailed this 16 foot boat that John built in 1978 and are cursing along the coast. John came over to ask me if Pisces was originally moored at Paglesham in Essex and did I know Norman Bishop! Norman was the original owner, so yes and yes! Click on their picture for website.

Sunday lunch.